
Discussion Board: Riding During ‘Rona

It’s been forever and a day since I did a any sort of post, let alone a DB post and I HAD to break the cycle of horse show posts!

Gah, I love horse shows

Pre-Pandemic, my routine was gym from 6-7, work from 8-4, then ride from 4:30-6:30, then home. Then two days before the shutdowns, we moved from 20-25 minutes from the barn to across the street and everything came to a standstill.

Hard to sit and do 1st grade school work when you know the horses are RIGHT. THERE.

Except riding. Being that in that close proximity and having literally no other place to go saw me riding like I’d never ride again. Since I just could now just pop over and I was working from home, I started taking 2 lessons/week with Dressage Trainer K in addition to going up to Trainer B’s to take 2 lessons/week on Leo, who was staying with him until the end of May for a smooth transition.

Someone turned fancy during the pandemic
So many lessons at Trainer B’s

So then my schedule looked more like:

5:30-7:30: Work

7:30 Wake up kids and get them started on school

8:00-10:30: Work

10:30-12:00: Lesson or ride P

12:00-2:00: Work

2:00-5:00 Drive to Trainer B’s for Leo

5:00-7:00: Work

7:00: Dinner, bed, etc.

Now things are a bit more tricky. With the kids having to do live virtual classes, it’s impossible for me to leave or to get my own work done during the T.D.’s 1st grade block of 8:30-10:10. And with Leo back at my home barn , going to Trainer B’s requires more time than it took me to zip up there in my little car. So now my day looks like:

5:30-7: Wake up, either work or crossfit; depending on deadlines

7:00-8:30: Work

8:30-10:10: Tiniest Dictator’s school

10:10-12:00: Work

12:00-1:30: Ride*

1:30-4:30: Work

4:30-7:30: Kids taekwondo (M-Th; I have to take them if Husband’s out of town, which he usually is)

* Lessons at Trainer B’s require Husband to be home

So that leaves me with basically one slot per day to ride. And Leo typically takes that slot, except on days off, which means he gets worked 5-6x/week and P gets ridden 1-2 days, unless Husband is in town. But Husband has been traveling so much (these last 2 weeks he’s been gone 7 out of the last 10 business days) so the weeks P gets more happen, but not frequently.

How I feel doing 1st grade “school” and sitting through 3 hours of taekwondo

It’s kind of a bummer, watching my riding time dwindle down, but I guess it’s really no different now than it was when the kids were in school and I was at the office, though seems like a distant memory now.

Back to riding under lights, I ‘spose

So how has COVID impacted your riding? Better, worse, or the same?

17 thoughts on “Discussion Board: Riding During ‘Rona”

  1. Dang, lady. You’re a master of managing your time with everything. It’s impressive and exhausting to see your daily breakdown!

    I’m definitely riding more. But that also may be a side effect of having the horses home this whole time! Something I’m beyond grateful for with everything going on.


    1. You’re so lucky to have them at home! I felt so bad for everyone I knew whose barns shut down completely. Mine didn’t, since it’s a tiny private one, thankfully. Glad you’ve been able to ride more! It really does make a huge difference


  2. My riding was really only affected when NC was in full shutdown in March/April, as the barn closed to any non-boarders and non-leasers. It was a tough 6 weeks, as I had just gotten into a great groove prior. But, the break actually did my body good and I’ve come back even better! Once everything started reopening, I jumped at the chance to start lessoning again AND got in on a 2 day/week lease.


  3. I feel like getting up at 6 to run makes me some sort of amazing human, but you’ve really got this early schedule thing down! I guess having kids does that to you?
    I’ve had to go into work even with corona, so not much has changed for me. But I will say I don’t think I could do two horses and work full time. So, kudos to you!!


  4. you are batshit crazy but you know that already!! hahahahah the first month of covid i stayed away from the barn due to restrictions since then I am lessoning at least once a week plus helping out at the barn when I can. My work is going nuts so not sure with time diff later this how it will all play out.

    Glad you are riding tho i still think you are tiny bit nuts 🙂


    1. Bahahaha ya, I know, I know 🤣 I’m so glad my barn didn’t shut down, because my horses would’ve been nightmares to deal with had they not been getting exercised. I bet Remus though that this was it, he was finally retired 😂😂

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  5. Man, I am super impressed you get that much ride time at all with kids. How do you ride or lesson with a 1st grader in tow? Unless I have a babysitter (or it is the weekend and my husband is home), I can do barn work with my almost five year old kiddo but riding isn’t happening haha.

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      1. AHHHH I know! I miss you all, too! I actually had two seconds to check some blogs today during a rare 15 minute break in my day. I miss blogging! Life got CRAZY chaotic in March with online teaching and lockdown as I am sure you can imagine haha. I haven’t even been on IG either. I need to do some updating STAT! (PS – We are all great!!)

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    1. I wouldn’t be able to, if I didn’t also have a 7th grader. So with him here and me just being across the street, they stay home. Since my trainer is an hour away, I drag him along and he stays in the truck/trailer glued to my phone while I ride. That’s the only time ever that he gets to play with my phone, so he makes the most of it 😂😂


      1. Ahhhh, I need to get myself a 7th grader, I see. 😂 That is fabulous you have that option, as my 11th grader (other child) is not always available as my backup babysitter haha.


  6. Duuuuuuuude!!!! You are superwoman!!!!! I don’t have kids and somewhat unemployed b/c of CV19 so a chunk of that spare time was spent hanging out with the husband and binge watching some epic TV (Have you seen The Boys???) But it’s been nice this summer b/c I was able to take weekly lessons ALL SUMMER LONG!!!! I only missed 2 lessons b/c Rey was born on a lesson day and the other time I was out of town. So yes I have had a lot more pony/ride time during the time of ‘Rona 🙂 It has been really nice!


  7. this is an interesting exercise!

    im riding a TON more now that I’m WFH. The real catalyst for riding more, however, was all the BLM protests. I live in the city, and typically rode after work. In june there were so many protests, the bridges kept getting closed and I kept getting stranded on the wrong side of the bridge 😐 But you know when people aren’t protesting? At 6 in the morning. So, I started riding in the morning. Turns out there’s less traffic in the morning, and in the summer I don’t get caught out be evening thunderstorms. I like it so much I’ve just kept with it!!


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